Student Handbook

Change of enrolment details
Course Withdrawals
Induction and Code of Conduct
Academic Misconduct
First Aid
The National VET Framework
Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Staff
Students’ Responsibilities
Student Records
Training and Assessment
Academic Progress
Appeals Process
Training and Assessment Methods and Pathways
Assessment Re-sit Procedure
Competency Based Training and Assessment
Credit Transfer Policy
Fees and Refunds
Issuing of qualifications and statements of attainment
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Access and Equity
Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD)
Harassment and Discrimination
Student Support, Welfare and Guidance
Work Health and Safety Policy
Welcome to Maritime Career Training! On behalf of the staff at Maritime Career Training (MCT), we would like to welcome you.
MCT is a training organisation registered with an Australian government agency called the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). The regulations under which MCT is registered allow for businesses to provide services to their clients in partnership with other businesses without each having to be separately registered as long as certain obligations are met.
This handbook is designed to inform students about their rights and responsibilities whilst undertaking training with MCT.
To help you to understand the way our organisation works and to help you get the most from your studies, we are providing this Student Handbook which we trust answers the questions you have about studying with us. If not, please feel free to ask our Admin staff or your trainer.
Please take the time to read this handbook and acknowledgement that you have done so when you enrol. If you would like further clarification, please feel free to talk to one of our staff members.

Please take the time to read this handbook, especially in relation to legislation that may impact on your studies.
Trainers are responsible for ensuring all students are kept informed of any changes to legislation or MCT’s policies. Any changes affecting your studies or learning environment will be emailed to all currently enrolled students. Please ensure you keep MCT informed of any changes to your email address. This can be done by completing “Change of Address Notification Form available from our admin staff.
All staff members are here to assist you to learn and we encourage you to talk to us at any time to discuss any problems you may have.
We trust that your time with MCT is an enjoyable one and that the skills you learn here prove valuable in your chosen career.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Maria Lenton Student Support 0438 303 714


Please note: throughout this document you will read references to the Chief Executive Officer and in some cases his nominated representative. For clarity, the nominated representative of the CEO may be the trainer in charge of the course particularly in relation to matters associated with the conduct of short duration courses.


All accidents must be and recorded on the Incident Report Form (see Appendix B), which must be signed by the Chief Executive Officer or his nominated representative. Any action taken must be recorded. Follow-up will be completed the following day to ensure the student’s well-being.

Change of enrolment details

It is your responsibility to notify us of any change of name, address or employment, which occurs during the term of your studies with us. Please use the Change of Address Notification (Appendix D) to do this.


MCT will deal with any complaint in an effective and timely manner. MCT has processes in place for all students to lodge complaints in relation to any matter.
In the event of a complaint the student should first approach the person with whom they have the complaint in an attempt to informally resolve the problem. If the complainant feels that this is not possible or they were unsuccessful in their own attempt at resolution, the student should seek the support of their Trainer or another staff member who will assist in providing a Complaint Form. (Appendix C)
All formal complaints must be recorded in writing. The Trainer will pass on your complaint form to the Chief Executive Officer who will record the complaint in the complaint register and initiate an investigation.
All complaints are reviewed at Management Review Meetings and where appropriate are fed back into the continuous improvement process. Results of all complaints are communicated in writing to the student and a copy of this communication is also kept on file, both on the complaints register and in the student’s individual file.
If you are dissatisfied with the way in which a complaint has been managed, we will refer you to the Queensland Government’s Disputes Resolution Department who operate a number of dispute resolution centres across the State.

Course Withdrawals

If a student wishes to withdraw from a full-time or part-time course prior to completion of the normal expected training period offered by us, notice must be given in writing. As a general rule, no refund will be payable after the course has commenced, however, exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. See refund policy.
The student will be issued with a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for any units in which the student has been assessed as competent as recognition of completion of those units of study.

Induction and Code of Conduct

On the first day all new students are requested to register at reception at the appointed time. Students will be greeted and an orientation will be conducted which will include the following:
– Learning materials for the respective course will be provided
– Relevant Policies and procedures contained in the Student Handbook are explained
– Floor Plan Orientation (toilets, fire exits, kitchen, Legislation folder etc.) given
– Overview of the Evacuation procedure conducted
– Disclaimers completed and handed in

Academic Misconduct

MCT’s CEO will deal with any dishonest behaviour in assessment. Dishonest behaviour includes:
– Deliberate copying or attempting to copy the work of other students
– Using or attempting to use information prohibited from use in that sort of assessment.
– Submitting the work of another student as their own work.
– Plagiarism (i.e. taking and using as their own, the thoughts and writings of another with the intent to claim the work as their own)
– Consulting with peers throughout formal assessments.
Two verbal warnings will be given before cancelling the assessment marking assessment Not Competent (NC). Students involved in any of the above will be set a new assessment and will be counselled by the Chief Executive Officer.
In instances of misconduct, a student may be charged a re-sit fee of $55.00. An additional fee of $55 may also be charged to the student and if this is required it must be paid prior to the re-sit. The decision to impose these fees will be made by the Chief Executive Officer after examining all aspects of the case.
Further occurrence of academic misconduct will be recorded on the student’s file and suspension/ dismissal will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer.


MCT will make all attempts to provide its training and assessment services in a spirit of co-operation and mutual respect. There are times however when a disciplinary action must be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff. Trainers should make themselves aware of the procedures, should they become necessary to implement.
Examples of when disciplinary action may be required to be taken include when a student:
– brings onto or consumes on the premises, any drug of addiction or dependence (except drugs prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner)
– brings onto or consumes on the premises any alcohol
– exhibits any form of behaviour that is adversely affected by the influence of drugs or alcohol
– damages or removes any property or resource belonging to MCT or any training venue hired by MCT
– assaults (physically or verbally) any person or persons on the premises or any training venue hired by MCT
– fails to comply with any instructions given by a member of staff relating to the safety of any person or persons on the premises
– exhibits any form of conduct whilst on the premises that is considered to be aggressive, disorderly, disruptive, harassing or interferes with the comfort, safety or convenience of any person who is acting lawfully and entitled to be present
– enters any part of MCT premises or any other place to which students have access for the purpose of tuition, when not entitled to do so or having entered, refuses to leave said premises.
When disciplinary action is taken, the Chief Executive Officer will notify the student of the reason for the action.
– A verbal warning will be given to the student and documented on the individual’s file
– Where the behaviour continues after the verbal warning, the Chief Executive Officer will counsel the student and a written warning will be provided to the student. A copy of this warning will be noted and kept on the individual’s file
– In the event that the behaviour continues beyond the written warning, the student will be removed from the training program. Notification of removal will be made in writing and a noted copy will be placed on the student’s individual file
If a student wishes to express a complaint in relation to the disciplinary action taken, they have the opportunity to follow the MCT complaints procedure.
MCT expects that staff will maintain a professional and ethical working relationship with all other staff, management and students. Any breach of our disciplinary standards will be discussed with the Trainer and the Chief Executive Officer and the appropriate action will be taken.

Dress Code – Dress requirements are neat casual or business attire. Please note that shorts and thongs are not considered suitable attire. For some courses there may be required footwear or dress. Please remember that in first aid related courses there are practical activities that may involve kneeling or sitting on a floor so ensure you are comfortably attired as well as suitably attired giving consideration to your fellow students.
Behaviour at training events – Every student is expected to reflect the ideals and code of behaviour of MCT in their dealings with fellow students, members of staff and the general public. Students are expected to adhere to the rules and to co-operate in the effective running of MCT.
MCT strives to achieve the following “basic principles” of interpersonal behaviour:
– to be focused on the situation, issue or behaviour, not on the person
– to assist in maintaining the self-confidence and self-esteem of others
– to maintain constructive relationships with all staff and fellow students
– to take the initiative to assist in making things better
– to always lead by example
– to always respect the property of MCT, staff and fellow students
– to refrain from using inappropriate language with the understanding that to do so will not be tolerated
– to always turn off Mobile phones during classes
– to refrain from consuming food or drinks in non-designated areas
– MCT encourage the use of water bottles in classrooms
Every staff member and student should hold every other staff member and fellow student responsible for living up to these principles at all times.

First Aid

In the event of a student requiring First Aid, a trainer or staff member will administer First Aid and the student must complete the Incident Form. Should medication be required, students will be referred to a medical assistant and if necessary will be accompanied by a staff member. In the case of an emergency, staff will call an ambulance and stay with the student until it arrives.


MCT premises (including classrooms, car parking areas, toilets and general office areas) are smoke-free zones. If students wish to smoke, they should do so only within the designated smoking area on the eastern side of the premises.


As the premises of MCT are open to the public, students are advised not to leave their valuables unsupervised. MCT cannot be held responsible for anything which may be stolen from its premises.

The National VET Framework

Option to request delivery of the training as accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), receive a Statement of Attainment on successful completion and update your student data on the National Register

Practice Management Solutions Pty Ltd trading as Maritime Career Training is RTO number 31651.

All students who successfully complete Maritime Career Training’s AMSA Approved Certificate of Safety Training Course are issued with an AMSA Approved Course Completion Certificate. This certificate forms part of your application to AMSA for the issue of your Marine Qualification, the Certificate of Safety Training. No other course certification is required , a Statement of Attainment will not be issued and your student data will not be uploaded to the National Register.

However, if you intend undergoing further studies leading to deck or engineering qualifications in Australia then you should request that the training be delivered as accredited training under the AQF. If you make this request an additional fee of $55 is payable at the time of enrolment. Please make the request within 24 hours of your enrolment by email to A confirmation email with instructions on how to make the additional $55 payment will be sent to you within one working day.

Students who make this request will be issued with a Statement of Attainment in addition to the Course Completion Certificate that we provide to students who successfully complete our Certificate of Safety Training course.

If you request delivery of the training as accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), your student data for the registered training products that you have enrolled in will be updated to the National Register so that you can claim credits for the completed training if these products form part of a qualification that you seek at a later date through an Australian RTO accredited under the AQF.

Here is the identification of the accredited training products that we offer together with their STCW compliant reference:

STCW Convention Accredited Training Package
Name Reference Name Reference
Personal Survival Techniques STCW Reg VI/1 and Code Section A-V1/1, Table A-VI/1-1 Survive at sea in the event of vessel abandonment & personal survival techniques (PST) MARF046
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting STCW Reg VI/1 and Code Section A-V1/1, Table A-VI/1-2 Contribute to fire prevention & firefighting (basic firefighting) MARF035
Elementary First Aid STCW Reg VI/1 and Code Section A-V1/1, Table A-VI/1-3 Provide First Aid HLTAID011
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities STCW Reg VI/1 and Code Section A-V1/1, Table A-VI/1-4 Observe personal safety and social responsibility MARF041
Security- Awareness Training STCW Reg VI/6 and Code Section A-VI/6 Table A-VI/6-1 Follow vessel security procedures (security awareness training) MARF037

These competencies form part of the MARFSS00007 Safety Training skill set.

This request must be made at the time of your original enrolment so that we can collect additional personal information needed to enable us to complete the data collection required prior to reporting your student data. Requests for the issue of a Statement of Attainment at a later date will be declined unless you make the request within 24 hours of your initial enrolment.

MCT has been audited within the first 12 months of operation to ensure compliance with the National VET Regulations and will be re-audited during its subsequent five-year registration periods. These standards and the auditing process are intended to provide the basis for a nationally- consistent, high quality vocational education and training system.
The National VET Regulation includes the requirement for RTOs to establish a quality training system and is a key driver of Australia’s economic and social growth. It is a national training system that provides the basis for high-quality, industry developed and nationally recognised training.
As an RTO, MCT adheres to this system and does all within its power to remain compliant. From time to time students are surveyed and their cooperation will assist this organisation in remaining compliant. Students may also be interviewed by the regulator in certain circumstances. Students will be invited to provide feedback through Course Evaluation Forms. These surveys are conducted to enable MCT to identify opportunities for improvement not only to training and assessment but also to services provided. MCT analyses the responses and acts upon information accordingly.

Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Staff

Students’ Rights

MCT recognises that students have the right to:
– expect MCT to provide training of a high quality that recognises and appreciates their individual learning styles and needs
– have access to all MCT’s services regardless of educational background, gender, marital status, sexual preference, race, colour, pregnancy, national origin, ethnic or socio-economic background, physical or intellectual impairment, and religious or political affiliation,
– have their prior learning, acquired competencies and experience appropriately recognised in determining their requirements for training and assessment
– be advised of the learning outcomes and prescribed assessment tasks for the training program of their choice, prior to its commencement
– appeal for a review of the results of an assessment
– expect to achieve the published learning outcomes from their training program, if they, in turn, devote the necessary time and diligence to it
– learn from fully qualified, competent and diligent Trainers who observe their responsibility to address students’ learning needs, assist them to achieve the course outcomes, and assess their students’ work fairly
– learn in an appropriately appointed, safe and clean learning environment, free of all forms of harassment and discrimination
– be treated with dignity and fairness,
– expect that MCT will be ethical and open in their dealings, their communications and their advertising
– expect that MCT will observe their duty of care to them,
– efficient handling of administrative matters and in the processing of fees, concessions, refunds etc.
– privacy and confidentiality and secure storage of student records in accordance with the organisation’s policies to the extent permitted by law

Students’ Responsibilities

Students are responsible for:
– understanding and accepting the enrolment conditions for the courses they undertake
– providing accurate information about themselves at time of enrolment, and to advise MCT of any changes to their address or phone numbers within 7 days
– paying of all fees and charges associated with their course and providing their own course requirements where notified.
– recognising the rights of staff and other students to be treated with dignity and fairness, and behaving in an appropriate and acceptable manner towards them
– regular and punctual attendance
– ensuring they attend classes sober and drug free and smoke only in open areas outside the boundaries of the Training Centre
– the security of their personal possessions while attending a course
– promptly reporting all incidents of harassment or injury to MCT administration office
– respecting MCT property and observing policy guidelines and instructions for the use of equipment
– seeking clarification of their rights and responsibilities when in doubt
– abstaining from bullying, harassing and any other unlawful activity or behaviour whilst on MCT’s property or engaged in a MCT controlled or sponsored activity
– abstaining from acts of self-harm

Staff Responsibilities:

All Trainers employed by MCT must ensure that:
– the qualifications they hold are current and relevant to the modules which they teach
– any information passed on to students is accurate
– any advice given is done so consistent with the National Code and MCT’s own Code of Practice
– all student attendance is recorded accurately as per the Attendance Sheet/s provided for each module that is delivered
– all absences are recorded for each session
– attendance and absence information is passed on to the registrars in the roll book in a timely manner
– classes are held as scheduled by MCT and any changes are to be reported immediately to ensure continued compliance
– MCT Management is advised of any addition or increase in the number of students in a class for any reason in case alternate arrangements need to be made for classroom allocation.
– no changes in classroom allocation are made outside those authorised by the course co-ordinator
– trainers who successfully complete additional qualifications advise MCT of such and provide certified copies of the qualification and transcript
MCT abides by the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations in relation to all training and assessment activities. Accordingly MCT requires all training/assessment staff to hold as a minimum, the following combination of:
– A Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) – or equivalent
– Sound, recent industry experience in your vocational area
– Familiarity with the principles and practices of Competency-Based Training, Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2011 and Recognition of Prior learning and
– Familiarity with Equal Employment Opportunity and Occupational Health and Safety principles and
– A current certificate authorising the staff member to work with children and young people.


MCT is committed to ensuring that our actions and philosophies are environmentally sound, economically viable and socially equitable.

Student Records

As a student, you should be aware that our trainers are required to:
– supply in a timely manner accurate records of student’s academic performance for each unit of the course which the Trainer delivers and/or assesses
– supply in a timely manner as per MCT’s procedures, accurate attendance records of student(s) for each session they deliver
MCT has in place a policy and procedure for the collection, storage and protection of all the training records of individual students, thereby meeting training and assessment activity requirements. Assessment Results are recorded within twenty-one days from the date of assessment and students may request an update on progress at any time following this period.
Each individual student is assigned a personal file for storage of training records.
Student training documentation re stored in a secure manner (individual files in locked cabinets; electronic files with access by password only).
All Trainers/assessors involved in the training program are informed of their responsibilities under this policy. Requests for access to information must be in writing and the decision to release the information will remain the decision of MCT. See also Privacy Policy

Training and Assessment

Access to Student Training Records
Access to individual student training records must meet Commonwealth Privacy legislation and will be limited to:
– individuals wishing to access their own personal records
– individuals authorising releases of specific information to third parties in writing,
– MCT staff who require this information as part of their job role
– officers from ASQA and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) or their representatives for activities required under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations
– legal requirements (e.g. subpoena/search warrants/social service benefits/evidence act).
Students wishing to check progress towards completion are welcome to request this information. It is the organisation’s policy to attend to such requests within three working days. If for any reason this is not possible, you will be notified and advised of the date when the information will be available.

Academic Progress

It is expected that a student should demonstrate continuing progress, eventually achieving competency in all units undertaken. (See notes re competency based training and assessment).
Students are expected to participate actively in class discussions and activities, attend practicum and fulfil all course requirements. If students are unable to achieve competency at the first assessment in a unit, trainers will work with students to identify areas of need and support students efforts to achieve competency. Opportunities are provided for students to re-sit assessments.

Appeals Process

If you are dissatisfied with a judgment by an assessor, you are invited to lodge an appeal under MCT Appeals Process.
Please remember, if you wish to lodge an appeal it must be lodged immediately and no later than 7 days from the date of the receipt of the assessment report. Staff will try to process any appeal as quickly as possible and reach a resolution within three working days so that you may continue learning activities and completion of your training program (if you are doing a longer duration course) or undertake a re-assessment if the appeals process suggests that course of action is the most appropriate.
If you follow the procedures listed below, the issue will be dealt with as quickly and effectively as possible:
1. Outline the reasons for the appeal using MCT Appeal Against Assessment Decision
2. Hand it to Administration within 7 days.
3. An opportunity to discuss the nature of the appeal with the assessor, the CEO and yourself will be arranged. You are welcome to invite a support person to attend the discussion. It is hoped the issue may be resolved at this discussion.
If the issue remains unresolved, then the appeal will be heard by an independent person/s and you will have the opportunity to formally present your case for resolution.
MCT attempts to resolve the issue(s) within three (3) working days from receipt of the lodgement of the appeal but mediation by an external party will take longer.

The results of any part of the process will be communicated in writing to all parties.
All correspondence and documentation will be kept on the client file for future reference as required.

Grounds for Appeal

An application for appeal will be considered where a student claims disadvantage because:
– the Trainer did not provide a subject outline,
– the Trainer varied without consultation or in an unreasonable way the assessment requirements as specified in the subject outline,
– assessment requirements specified by the Trainer were unreasonably or prejudicially applied to him or her
– it is believed that a clerical error has occurred in the documenting of the assessment outcome,
– there appears to be a discrepancy between the practical observation and the formal assessment.
If the appeal for re-assessment is upheld MCT will make all necessary arrangements to conduct the re-assessment of the student at a time that is mutually convenient for all parties concerned and if required the appeal will be heard by an independent person or panel. All appeals are recorded and reviewed in order to identify opportunities for improvement in the appeals process.

Training and Assessment Methods and Pathways

MCT has been approved by ASQA to deliver the qualifications/courses/units as listed on the national website. If you visit and enter MCT’s name in left search window, you will be able to view the training products listed within our scope.
Assessments should provide opportunity for MCT to be informed of the context and purpose of the assessment and the assessment process. This will include but will not be limited to information regarding assessment methods and alternative assessment methods if required to accommodate special needs or circumstances. Information sessions are included with the introduction of each subject to inform students of the assessment processes, number of assessments, types of assessments and the individual weighting of each assessment. Staff members are available to discuss and provide limited professional advice as to the outcomes of the assessment process and guidance on future options.
Students are advised that there are a number of pathways to qualifications and MCT provides you with the opportunity to identify the most appropriate pathway. This may be through:
– a formal learning process, such as the course in which you are currently enrolled
– work experience, such as being taught on the job how to do something or though
– Life experience or personal experience, such as a hobby or experience at home

Study options available may include:
Full time – this option requires classroom attendance as outlined in the course outline
Part Time – this option allows the student time to undertake other responsibilities, such as work, home duties etc.
Flexible – a combination of classroom and home study
Please note not all classes provide these options and students are encouraged to discuss this with their trainer.

Students should be aware of the assessment criteria used by the trainers at MCT

Assessment requiring essay or report writing is based on the following criteria:
1. Answering the Question
Students must address what the question is asking. Look for key words that indicate how the question is to be approached and the information that is to be included. Sequence the answer to appropriately develop logical arguments.
2. Referencing
Any quotation or content that has been obtained from published sources must be referenced. This must be done at the end of a quotation and extended in the bibliography.
3. Accuracy of Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation will ensure the trainer can correctly interpret what is written. Students should use the tools available (dictionary, thesaurus, spell-check on computers etc.) and must proof-read before handing in.
All assignments must be the individual’s own work. Trainers are responsible for ensuring that any “suspect” assessments are thoroughly scrutinised. Any irregularities will be reported to the Chief Executive Officer and dealt with accordingly. Students should keep a copy of their assessments (where relevant – longer courses).


Cover sheet
Use one side of page only
Assignments to be word-processed*
Double spacing to be used
Use correct format, i.e. essay or report format, appropriate headings
*NB: exception allowed where students are unable to access appropriate equipment. Hand written assignments must be neat and legible.

Statement of Authorship

All assignments projects, reports, papers and assignments submitted to a course are expected to be the student’s own work. Students should always take great care to distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from sources. The term “sources” includes not only published primary and secondary material but also information and opinions gained directly from other people.
All information taken from other sources must be clearly referenced and authorship acknowledged. Any student who, for whatever reason, submits work that is not their own or fails to acknowledge sources, will be required to re-enrol in the relevant subject/s. Every assessment must be accompanied by a student’s statement of authorship, which is included MCT’s Assessment Cover Sheet in each assessment booklet.

Assessment Re-sit Procedure

Stage 1: Student undertakes in-class assessment
Students will be notified within 14 days of undertaking an assessment of their performance.
If a student does not attend the in-class assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did not attend and if due to illness a medical certificate must be produced. If the assessment is a practical or no evidence is provided a $50 administrative fee may be charged for re-sitting the assessment.*
Stage 2: Student deemed Not Competent in FIRST assessment
Students who are deemed to be Not Competent are to be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency.
Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 7 days of notification.
Stage 3: Student deemed Not Competent in FIRST re-sit
If the student is again deemed Not Competent they will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency.
The student must then participate in a new assessment task within 7 days of notification; a fee of $50 may be required to be paid prior to the assessment.
Stage 4: Student deemed Not Competent in SECOND re-sit
If the student is still unable to demonstrate competency, then the student will be required to repeat the unit of competency.
MCT will determine the time at which the unit will be available.
The student may be liable to pay a fee to be determined by MCT to cover the cost of extra tuition.
* The decision to charge this fee (or portion of the fee) will be made by the CEO who will consider all aspects of the case prior to making the decision.

Competency Based Training and Assessment

Competency Based Training is always focussed on what the student will be able to do at the end of training. There is not so much concern with what the inputs are or how the student got there. So long as the student can provide quality evidence that demonstrates achievement of the listed competencies, it does not matter who taught him or her, how or when the training takes place, what resources are used or of what the content material of the curriculum consists.
All assessments conducted by MCT note that the following directives will be observed as listed in the Competency Standards for Assessment outlined in The Training and Education Training Package (TAE10)
– Competency Based Assessment – Assessment must take place within a competency based assessment system within established procedures as defined in the Guidelines for Conducting Assessment from the National Training Package for Training and Education TAE10),
– Validity – Assessment methods will be valid, that is, they will assess what they claim to assess,
– Reliability – Assessment procedures must be reliable, that is, they must result in consistent interpretation of evidence from the learner and from context to context,
– Fairness – Assessment procedures will be fair, so as not to disadvantage any learners. Assessment procedures will:
– be equitable, culturally and linguistically appropriate,
– involve procedures in which criteria for judging performance are made clear to all participants,
– employ a participatory approach,
– provide for students to undertake assessments at appropriate times and where required in appropriate locations.
– Flexibility – Assessment procedures must be flexible, that is, they should involve a variety of methods that depend on the circumstances surrounding the assessment,

Recognition of Prior Learning

Individuals seeking RPL will be able to access an RPL process as described in our Recognition of Prior Learning Information Kit,
– Due Date Information – The trainer will advise students of the final date for the receipt of an assessment when the assessment is handed out. Assessments will only be accepted after this date in case of illness (doctor’s certificate must be provided) or other exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of the trainer).

Credit Transfer Policy

Credit Transfer is available to all students enrolling in MCT’s courses which are within MCT’s scope of registration.

Credit Transfer is credit towards a qualification granted to students on the basis of outcomes gained by a student through participation in courses or national training package qualifications with another Registered Training Provider, in line with MCT’s Recognition of Qualifications Policy.
Please note that in accordance with the suggested refresher dates for CPR and first aid training, it is unlikely a claim for credit transfer would be made by people wishing to enrol in a short duration CPR or first aid related course.

Fees and Refunds

Fees are levied on all courses, details of which are contained in the relevant course information sheet. MCT management is responsible for ensuring that fees paid in advance are accounted for in a separate financial control centre and are clearly identified within the student record management system. All fees are paid at the time of enrolment. MCT operates a refund policy, which is fair and equitable and in accordance with policy and procedures as set out in MCT’s Operations Policy and Procedures.

Refunds are issued when:

– A student provides written notice of withdrawal prior to commencement of course (see timeframes below)
– Review of Credit transfer indicates that the student does not have to undertake the course / part course

Refunds are not issued when:

– changes occur in student work hours
– it becomes inconvenient for a student to travel to class
-a student has commenced online learning

-a student moves interstate
– a student changes jobs or becomes retrenched
– a student leaves before finishing course / unit of competency.
– a student is expelled from the college for a serious breach of discipline
If a student withdraws from a course and supplies MCT with written notification of more than 30 days before the original course commencement date, 90% of any course fees paid at that point will be refunded.
If a student withdraws less than 30 days but before 7 days prior to the scheduled course commencement date, no refund will be paid but the student will be offered a transfer to another course.
If the student withdraws from the course within 7 days of the scheduled start date, no refund or transfer will be offered.

As a general rule, no refunds will be payable after the commencement of a course, however, exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for refunds must be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, via the MCT postal address, stating all the details of the claim for refund. The request may be posted or handed to reception.
MCT will make payment of all refunds within 4 weeks of receipt of a written application for refund. Refunds will be made to the person who entered into the contract with MCT.
Students have the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws if they feel aggrieved.

Refunds paid if MCT defaults:

If MCT cannot provide a course for whatever reason, a full refund will be made. This agreement does not remove the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. The participant is able also to pursue other legal remedies that are appropriate.
All bank charges incurred by MCT in issuing the refund will be met by the student.
Students are not permitted transfer course fees to another student without first seeking the approval of the Chief Executive Officer

Issuing of Course Completion Certificates and Statements of Attainment

MCT issues AMSA approved Certificates of Course Completion to students who successfully complete the AMSA approved Certificate of Safety Training. Students must apply to AMSA through an approved Australia Post Office for the marine qualification called “Certificate of Safety Training”.

MCT is the authorised and approved authority for issuing nationally recognised “Statements of Attainment”. Statements of Attainment are not required by AMSA for the issue of the AMSA Certificate of Safety Training. Students who require a Statement of Attainment for elements of training provided by MCT for purposes other than the issue of an AMSA Certificate of Safety Training must request Statements of Attainment from MCT in advance of commencement of training. No Statements of Attainment will be issued after a course has been completed. An administration Fee of $50 will be charged for each Statement of Attainment requested. MCT  will issue all AQF qualifications and statements of attainment within 21 days of the training programs’ completion. All qualifications and statements of attainment issued by MCT comply with the standards outlined within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) implementation handbook and in accordance with the requirements of The National Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations including where applicable, the use of logos.
Students must be assessed as competent in all units of competency before being issued a qualification (Certificate/ Diploma/Advanced Diploma) for the course in which they are enrolled. Students will only be issued a qualification upon completion of their course. MCT will issue each student an interim academic transcript by the end of each semester and another one by the end of the course.
MCT only issues AQF qualifications and statements of attainment within its scope of registration that certify the achievement of qualifications or industry/enterprise competency standards from nationally endorsed training packages or qualifications, competency standards or modules from accredited vocational courses. Students are able to download the Employability Skills for the training package qualification they are completing by visiting
Students are encouraged to take care of certificates issued by MCT. Replacement certificates and/or Statements of Attainment will incur a cost of $50.00 per document. Replacement certificates will only be provided upon submission of Driver’s Licence or other form of ID.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

MCT aims at all times to provide a positive and rewarding learning experience for all of its students. The enrolment form requests provision of information regarding each student’s LL&N requirements or any other special learning needs. In the event of LL&N becoming an issue, the Administration Staff will contact the student to discuss their requirements.

Students must ensure that they have discussed with the Chief Executive Officer (or their appointed representative) any concerns they may have about their capacity to participate because of any Language, Literacy or Numeracy difficulties. MCT will offer to any student at enrolment a reading and comprehension exercise to ascertain suitability for enrolment into a course.
Where language, literacy and numeracy competency is essential for students, MCT will make every effort to ensure that each participant is adequately supported to enable them to complete their training. Some examples of the type of support that MCT can offer include:
– Providing students only essential writing tasks,
– Provision of handouts in an audio format via either cassette tape or on CD,
– Consideration of the use of group exercises so that the responsibility for writing rests with more than one person,
– Provision of examples and models of completed tasks,
– Ensure that documents and forms are written and formatted in plain English,
– Use of clear headings, highlighted certain key words or phrases and provided explanations of all technical terms used,
– Assessments can be conducted using the interview technique where required.
– Present information in small chunks,
– Speak clearly, concisely and not too quickly,
– Give clear instructions in a logical sequence,
– Give lots of practical examples,
– Encourage students to ask questions,
– Ask all questions to ensure students understand.
– Ask students to identify in words, what the exact problem is and how they might solve it,
– Show students how to do the calculations through step by step instructions and through examples of completed calculations,
– Help students to work out what maths/calculations/measurements are required to complete the task,
– Encourage the use of calculators (if applicable) and demonstrate how to use them.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning is a term that covers Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and Skills Recognition. The term “recognition processes” refers to assessment processes that enable recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. Under the VET Quality Framework, competencies may be attained a number of ways. This includes through any combination of formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience. In order to grant recognition of prior learning/current competency, the assessor must be confident that the candidate is currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards of Training Packages or competency outcomes specified in Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) accredited courses. The evidence may take a variety of forms and could include certification, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and work samples. The assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient.
Knowledge and skills can be acquired in a variety of ways:
– Through a formal learning process, such as attending school or completing a short course,
– Through work experience, such as being taught on the job how to do something
– Life experience or personal experience, such as a hobby or experience at home.
There are no limits on where or how the skills have been acquired
MCT has an established RPL process and recognises all AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other registered training organisations.
The procedures for applying for Recognition are:
1. The potential student is informed of the course contents and of the existence of an RPL process prior to/or at the time of enrolment.
2. If the RPL MCT wishes to make an application for RPL, they are invited to verbally discus their basis for RPL, the purpose of this is to prevent poorly supported claims from being made and to ensure that the potential RPL MCT is fully aware of the RPL process.
3. If MCT decides to proceed with the RPL process then, upon payment of the prescribed sum, they will be issued with the RPL kit, containing:
a. An RPL application form, outlining the basic information about the application and the units of competency they are making claim for.
b. A guide for the portfolio of evidence that the student will need to amass to show the support their claim for RPL; three forms of evidence from the list below will be acceptable:
i. letters or statements for experts attesting to MCT’s ability
ii. samples of work or documentation completed
iii. certificates from courses attended,
iv. details of participation in activities, this may include resumes, or other types of records
v. videos demonstrating skills,
c. The portfolio of evidence will be assessed by a competent person.
d. The assessment will be determined and results forwarded in writing to MCT.
e. MCT has an opportunity to appeal if they feel that this is appropriate, in which case the appeal is managed from the Academic Appeal process.
f. Included with the assessment decision will be feedback informing the student of the reasons for the decision.
RPL Fee: RPL will be charged at a comparable rate to that of the unit of competency.
Please note that for short courses of one or half a day such as CPR and first aid, it is unlikely that RPL will be applied for or granted given the Australian Resuscitation Council’s policy on renewing skills at set intervals.

Recognition of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations

All AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other registered training organisations will be fully recognised by MCT.

Students enrolling in MCT courses will be able to use their existing qualifications (or part thereof) issued by other RTOs as Credit Transfer, provided that the Credit Transfer complies with the Packaging Rules for the qualification being sought.
An example may be that of a Certificate III qualification. Units of competency within the Certificate III qualification may be able to be used as Credit Transfer for a Certificate III course offered by MCT, effectively reducing the duration of the Certificate III course.


MCT will do all within its power to adhere to all legislative requirements, especially those that may affect a student’s learning including the following legislation and principles.
Commonwealth Legislation
– Age Discrimination Act 2004
– Copyright Act 1968
– Disability Standards for Education 2005
– Disability Discrimination Act 1992
– Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
– Racial Discrimination Act 1975
– Sex Discrimination Act 1984
– Privacy Act (2001) including the National Privacy Principles
– Skilling Australia’s Workforce Act 2005
– The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
State Based Legislation (Queensland)
– Fair Trading Act 1989 (advertising and marketing)
– Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000
– Work, Health and Safety Act 2011 and Regulations (2011)

Access and Equity

MCT is committed to providing opportunities to all people for advancement in training on an equitable basis. This includes providing equal opportunities to industries where women are under-represented and where people with disabilities, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, Indigenous Australians and rural and remote learners have access.
All students have equal access to our programs irrespective of their gender, culture, linguistic background, race, socio-economic background; disability, age, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or carer’s responsibilities.
All students who meet the entry requirements (if applicable) as prescribed by the appropriate National Training Package will be accepted into any program within MCT scope of registration.
Any issues or questions raised regarding access and equity can be directed to the Chief Executive Officer.
Some examples of support offered include:
– Language and Literacy support of students who have difficulty with written or spoken English.
– Numeracy support.
– Modification of learning and assessment tasks to accommodate the unique cultural or personal needs of students.

Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD)

Do you have any questions about alcohol and other drugs (effects, risks)-
Are you concerned about your own alcohol or other drug use or about the drug use of someone you care about-
Do you need to know the rules about alcohol and other drug use at MCT-

MCT will put you in touch with services aimed to assist in dealing with this issue. We recognise that many factors can contribute to alcohol and other drug use and seek to respond to these with health promotion and early intervention approaches.
Alcohol and other drug use while undertaking MCT activities is not permitted.

Harassment and Discrimination

At all times MCT will provide an environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination (including sexual, victimisation and bullying).
Everyone, regardless of whether they are a student, trainer, administration or support staff, is entitled to expect the following rights:
– The right to learn, teach or carry out their duties,
– The right to be treated with respect and treated fairly,
– The right to be safe in the workplace emotionally and physically,
– The right to have all reports of harassment and discrimination treated seriously, impartially and sensitively. Harassment and discrimination, including victimisation sexual and bullying, is unwelcome, uninvited and unacceptable behaviour that will not be tolerated,
– The right to inform MCT management of any harassment or discrimination. Management has the responsibility to take immediate and appropriate action to address the issue,
– The right to confidentiality and discretion when initiating or becoming involved with a complaint or appeal.
– The right to the assurance that whenever possible, all complaints will be resolved by a process of discussion, cooperation and conciliation,
– Both the person making the complaint and the person against whom the complaint has been made has the right to receive information, support and assistance in resolving the issue.

Students have the responsibility to:

– allow others to learn,
– keep MCT premises safe by not threatening, bullying or hurting others in any way,
– keep the classroom safe by obeying instructions,
– keep MCT premises safe by not bringing illegal substances or weapons onto our premises,
– refrain from stealing, damaging or destroying the belongings of others.
Victimisation is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. No person making a complaint or assisting in the investigation of a complaint should be victimised. Harassment or discrimination should not be confused with legitimate comment and advice (including feedback) given appropriately by management or trainers.
Staff and students should not make any frivolous or malicious complaints. All staff and students are expected to participate in the complaint resolution process in good faith.


MCT operates in compliance with current privacy legislation. All training staff has current knowledge of privacy policies as they relate to an RTO. We will ensure that all required procedures are followed to ensure your rights to privacy.

Any information gathered will only be utilised for the purposes of delivery of training and assessment services and the documentation compliance requirements according to the Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration.

The relevant Privacy Principles are summarized as:


We will collect only the information necessary for our primary function and you will be told the purposes for which the information is collected.
Use and disclosure

Personal information will not be used or disclosed for a secondary purpose unless the individual has consented or a prescribed exception applies.
Data quality

We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date.

We will take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

We will document how we manage personal information and when asked by an individual, will explain the information we hold, for what purpose and how we collect, hold, use and disclose the information.

The individual will be given access to the information held about them, at their request. This includes anything held on the students file including assessment results and participation records.
Anonymity Wherever possible, we will provide the opportunity for the individual to interact with us without having to identify themselves.
Sensitive Information

We will seek the consent of the individual when collecting sensitive information about the individual such as health information, or information about the individual’s racial or ethnic background, or criminal record.
MCT is committed to maintaining and safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of all of MCT individual student’s information. MCT has documented and implemented procedures to assure the integrity, accuracy and currency of all student records.
Hard copy student records are stored in secure premises requiring key access.
Electronic records are backed up weekly to a back-up system and are protected from unauthorised access by password controls and external back-up.
Further protection of the electronic data and its computer systems is provided by the antivirus software systems which automatically update their virus definition files on a needs basis.
Computer system protection is provided by the firewall software which monitors and protects MCT computer systems from unauthorised access from the internet.
Student results are archived for a period of not less than 30 years. Training records other than student results will be collected and stored for a period of seven years unless otherwise required.

Student Support, Welfare and Guidance

MCT wishes to ensure that all students are supported in their studies to the fullest extent possible, thus any student who is experiencing any difficulties with their studies should see their Trainer or another member of MCT staff. The staff member will ensure that the full resources of MCT are made available to ensure that the student achieves the required level of competency in all accredited courses.
Furthermore students seeking advice on Welfare or Guidance on other matters may make an appointment at any time to see the Student Support Officer for free advice relating to study on:
– managing time
– setting and achieving goals
– motivation
– ways of learning
– coping with assessments
– looking after yourself
We will assist all students in their genuine efforts to complete our training programs.
In the event that you are experiencing any difficulties with your studies we would recommend that you see your trainer, or another staff member of MCT.
We will ensure that the full resources of our organisation are made available to assist you accessing the required level of completion required.
Should you be experiencing any personal difficulties you should make contact directly with the Principal who will assist you to the full extent of his capacity.
If your needs exceed our support capacity we will refer you onto an appropriate external agency.

You can seek support immediately by contacting:

Police/Fire/Ambulance Ring 000
Interpreting Services: 13 14 50
Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26
Abortion Grief Counselling 1300 363 550
Alcohol and Drug Information Service. 1800 177 833 (24 hour counselling and information)
Domestic Violence helpline 1800 811 811
Family Drug Support 1300 368 186
Lifeline 131 114
Men’s Line Australia 1300 789 978
Pregnancy Counselling Australia 1300 737 732
Pregnancy Help Line 1300 139 313
Quitline 13 18 48
Salvation Army 1300 363 622
Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline 1800 010 120

Work Health and Safety Policy

The Qld Work Health & Safety Act (2011) requires that the employer’s duty of care is to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, and the employee’s duty of care to take reasonable care for the health and safety of others in the work place. This includes the provision of:
– a workplace that is safe to work in, with working procedures that are safe to use,
– adequate staff training including topics such as safe work procedures, infection control procedures and appropriate hygiene,
– properly maintained facilities and equipment, including the provision of personal protective equipment such as gloves, eye protection and sharps containers where required,
– a clean and suitably designed work place with the safe storage of goods such as cleaning chemicals.
The following procedures and standards must be observed to achieve a safe working and learning environment:
– Maintain a safe, clean and efficient, working environment
– Store and dispose of waste according to health regulations
– Check all equipment – especially electrical cords. If you are bring cords on to the premises, they must be checked by your trainer to ensure currency of tag
– Store equipment safely
– Identify fire hazards and take precautions to prevent fire
– Safe lifting and carrying techniques maintained


ASQA – Australia Quality Skills Authority
ASQA’s functions include:
– registering training providers as ‘registered training organisations’ (RTOs)
– accrediting vocational education and training (VET) courses
– ensuring that organisations comply with the conditions and standards for registration, including by carrying out compliance audits
Bullying – unwelcome and offensive behaviour that intimidates, humiliates and/or undermines a person or group. Bullying involves a persistent pattern of behaviour over a period time and may include verbal abuse, physical assault, unjustified criticism, sarcasm, insults, spreading false or malicious rumours about someone, isolating or ignoring a person, putting people under unnecessary pressure with overwork or impossible deadlines, and sabotaging someone’s work or their ability to do their job by not providing them with vital information and resources.
Classrooms – rooms either owned or hired by MCT for training purposes
Confidentiality – information kept in trust and divulged only to those who need to know.
Discrimination – treating someone unfairly or unequally simply because they belong to a group or category of people. Equal opportunity laws prohibit discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, family responsibility, family status, race, religious beliefs, political conviction, gender history, impairment, age or sexual orientation. Victimisation is also treated as another ground of discrimination.
Harassment – any unwelcome and uninvited comment or action that results in a person being intimidated, offended, humiliated or embarrassed. Equal opportunity laws prohibit harassment on the grounds of sex and race.
Personnel – all employees either full-time, part-time or contract of MCT.
Racial Harassment – any occurrence of a person being threatened, abused, insulted or taunted in relation to their race, descent or nationality, colour, language or ethnic origin, or a racial characteristic. It may include derogatory remarks, innuendo and slur, intolerance, mimicry or mockery, displays of material prejudicial to a particular race, racial jokes, allocating least favourable jobs or singling out for unfair treatment.
Sexual Harassment – any verbal or physical sexual conduct that is unwelcome and uninvited. It may include kissing, embracing, patting, pinching, touching, leering or gestures, questions about a person’s private or sexual life, requests for sexual favours, smutty jokes, phone calls, emails, facsimiles or messages, offensive noises or displays of sexually graphic or suggestive material.
Victimisation – any unfavourable treatment of a person as a result of their involvement in an equal opportunity complaint. Unfavourable treatment could include: adverse changes to the work environment; denial of access to resources or work.
Training Records – all types of documentation and information relating to training and assessment activities including but not limited to:
commencement and completion dates for individuals of all competency units,
individual student assessment information for each unit of competency,
information on awards issued (award, date, certificate number),
individual student participation data (assignments/assessments where practicable, attendance),
documentation / records of complaints, appeals,
recognition (RPL/RCC) process documents (application and results)


APPENDIX A – APPEALS (Document 45)

Appeal against assessment decision
Student Number ……………………………. Contact Telephone ………………………………………………..
Family Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Given Name/s ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Have you:
Made an appointment and discussed the matter with your assessor Yes No
Completed all the requirements for the unit up to and including the
work under dispute Yes No
Unit of competency Code and Name ……………………………………………………………………………..
4. BASIS FOR APPEAL (Please tick appropriate section/s)
Result not based on agreed assessment criteria
Assessment method at variance with statement on unit outline
Unfair grade based on stated criteria and quality of work
Work handed in on time was not marked
Other reason (please specify
The appeal must be lodged within 14 calendar days of the date the mark for assessment task was notified to the student or the final result was published.
If for any reason you are unable to discuss this appeal with the assessor, you should make an appointment to see the Principal.
Please hand the completed form together with any supporting documentation to Administration.
Date of lodgement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Received by (name) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Action taken by assessor ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
I am satisfied with the results of this process.
Student name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………………………… Date …………………………………
I am not satisfied with the results of this process and wish this matter to be heard by an independent person.
Student name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………………………… Date …………………………………


Student Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Student Number …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Course ………………………………………………………………. Class ……………………………………………….
Date of Incident …………………………………………………. Time of Incident ………………………………..
Details of Incident
Student’s Signature ……………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………………
Details of Action Taken
Follow up Action Taken
Chief Executive Officer’s Signature ……………………. Date …………………………………………………. .


Complaints Form
Section One
(to be completed by participant)
Participant’s name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Phone ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Nature of complaint ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature of Participant
Section Two
(To be completed by ATA representative if outcome is reached)
…………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature of ATA Representative
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Position
Section Three
(to be completed by representative of arbitrating body if complaint is taken to this level)
…………………………………………………………………………… Signature of Arbitrating Body Representative
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Position


Change of Address Notification Form
Family Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
First Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Student Number:………………………………………………………………………………
Course Enrolled ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
New Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Suburb …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Post Code ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Home Phone Number ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Work ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Mobile ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Email Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Images, Recordings, 3rd Party Information
I, (name please print) …………………………………………………………………………………….. hereby give consent for the following action/s:
SECTION A – Release of information to a 3rd party about [me / my under 18 year old child]
____________________________________ (Applied First Aid Training.) may release information as described below:
– No details may be given out to anyone at any time
– Any details may be given out to any person at any time
– A named 3rd party may receive specified information:
Type of information that can be released (e.g. results, progress, contact details, phone reference or “anything”) ______________________________________________________________________

Name of 3rd Party: (Name of person, organisation, or “anyone”) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Other information / clauses: ________________________________________________________
SECTION B – Use of [my / my under 18 year old child’s] image, whether a photograph, voice recording or video recording, in publicity releases
__________________________________________ (Applied First Aid Training. ) may use images as described below:
– No image / recording may be used in publicity releases at any time
– An image / recording may be used in publicity releases only where I am in a crowd shot and not
featured or easily recognisable
– Any image / recording may be used in publicity releases at any time
– A particular image / recording may be used in publicity releases as described below:
Type of image: ____________________________ Date image was recorded: _____________________
Description of image: ___________________________________________________________________
If this form is being used for a particular publicity event only, describe it here:
Type of publicity event: _____________________________________ Date/s: _____________________
Other information / clauses: ___________________________
I understand that unless specifically stated in writing, I will not receive payment (either in cash or benefits) for the use of my image. The use of my image in promotional materials will presume my endorsement of the product or organisation being advertised.
SECTION C – Signatures
Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Consent for child under 18: Signed: _______________________________________ [Parent / Guardian]
Child’s name: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Applied First Aid Training
Acknowledgement Declaration
I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the contents of this student Handbook, which outlines the conditions, my rights and responsibilities as a participant of MCT and that I have also received induction into my training program at the College as outlined on page four of this handbook.
………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….
Name Signature……………………………………………………….
Date………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….
Name of Witness Signature of Witness……………………………………………………….
Date …………………………………………………