The STCW Convention

STCW is an acronym for “Standards of Training and Certification for Watchkeepers”. Maritime Career Training offer the full STCW95/10 AMSA approved Certificate of Safety Training from $2,395 and is the largest provider of this training in Australia. 170 Member Nations of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are signatories to this international agreement. Each nation has it’s own regulator who enforces the laws of that nation which are designed to meet the STCW and other conventions under the IMO.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is the Australian maritime industry regulator. AMSA approved Maritime Training Organisations in Australia are subjected to very stringent audits and inspections by AMSA.

Maritime Career Training gained AMSA’s approval in November, 2010 and since then has grown to be the largest provider of AMSA approved Certificate of Safety Training in Australia.

This course, which we offer for just $2,395, is often referred to as “STCW95” or “STCW10” because major changes to the STCW convention were agreed to in 1995 and 2010.

We are one of very few AMSA approved training organisations in Australia who have their own fire training ground and highly qualified, ex military, fire training instructors.

Maritime Career Training is the only training college approved by AMSA to deliver all the theory online.